Social and Technological Innovations for Inclusion


Find out about APPlying Mentoring

Social Mentoring

Is becoming an increasingly common tool in the accompaniment of socially vulnerable collectives. It promotes relationships of proximity, equality and mutual enrichment between people. A cumulative number of civic organizations and public institutions have promoted mentoring programs in recent years, especially aimed at the inclusion of the immigrant or refugee population. Thus it is deemed necessary to be able to act at this early stage of the program development so as to improve their efficacy and learn from mistakes previosuly occurred in other contexts.
Social Impact


Hypotheses, aims and experiences

Research Team

Our Research Team

Mobile App

Messagenes MentorAPP

A community of Practice

One of the objectives of the project is to create a community of practice in which professionals working in those projects can expand their training and reflect on their practice.

 Contact us

Social Mentoring Office – University of Girona
School of Education and Psychology, Office 119


Sant Domènec Square, 9
Barri Vell Campus
17004  Girona

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Participating Institutions